Uncuthu Rhabula

An anthology of original xhosa short stories
Over the course of five months, renowned South African playwright Fatima Dike guided four promising Xhosa authors from the Amathole and OR Tambo districts through a series of drafts and revisions, helping to refine their original work.

Authors Colleen Mapatwana (of Butterworth), Bulelani Yaguga (of Port St. Johns), Ntuthuzelo Mgwebi (of Libode), and Nandi Magalane (of Ngqeleni) also met virtually to speak with other published writers and industry veterans, to better understand the publishing landscape. Inkcubeko Nezobugcisa editors and staff then worked closely with each author to edit their text and ready it for print.

Inkcubeko Nezobugcisa is in awe of the authors’ creativity and dedication. The NPO also wishes to also thank Shanice Aaliyah, Niq Mhlongo, Mervyn Sloman, Lunga Mampana, Michael Arendse, Masixole Njumbuxa, Nomveliso Nel, An Selschotter, Barbara Garton, Katie Kuchle, Natalie Gaudreau, Adam Edwards, and Curtis Witt for their guidance.