Inkcubeko Nezobugcisa students are awarded Cal Arts’ certificates

Inkcbueko Nezobugcisa is proud to announce that Wanda Nyakathisa (of Mfuleni) and Siyamtanda Mntumni (of Kraaifontein) have completed Cal Arts’ intensive Graphic Design Specialization course, and have been awarded professional certificates.

For three months, the young designers met weekly in Vrygrond with Inkcubeko Nezobugcisa’s Zizo Bongekile Manona, who guided them through the fundamentals of graphic design, image-making, typography, and brand development, including a survey of notable South African designers and media outlets. In consultation with Ms. Manona and three design industry veterans, the two students developed an original portfolio and brand concept, refined their presentation skills, and ultimately secured paying work as freelance designers.

Inkcubeko Nezobugcisa wishes to thank Sinalo Ngcaba, Masonwabe Ntloko, and An Selschotter for their generous counsel, and ASSITEJ South Africa for the use of their office space.